If you are like most small business owners, you find it difficult to plan because your future has more unknowns than your non-business-owning counterparts. You might not know how much your business is worth, when you should sell, where to find the right buyer, how to fetch the best price, or even how much insurance to carry. If you have a family business or operate with a partner, you also have additional layers of both complexity and ambiguity.
When planning for the future, it is easy to become overwhelmed by all that isn’t known. When you step back and evaluate the questions marks that dot the path to your future, however, you might realize that not everything is unknown.
The value of your business is a prime example of a discoverable fact, yet if you are like 98% of the other small businesses in this country, you don’t know the answer.
With less than a half an hour of your time and innovative technology that harnesses the power of big data, you can get an accurate business valuation to illuminate your path. The valuation will give you an understanding of how much your business is worth, how it compares to others in your industry, and the levers that could drive future growth.
According to a Financial Planning Association/CNBC study, over 70% of small business owners have the majority of their wealth tied up in business assets. Knowledge of how much yours is worth brings clarity and insight into retirement and estate planning discussions, succession planning and exit strategies, and insurance protection decisions.
As Lieutenant General and former Deputy Director of the CIA, Vernon Walters, once said, “Uncertainty is the most chilling thing of all.” To reduce the amount of ambiguity you face by determining the value of your largest asset, consider obtaining a FREE business valuation today.
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